Third Party Logistics – 3PL

3PL, or third party logistics, is a pretty tricky sounding name, but the reality is that 3PL is a great way for a company to simplify its operation and focus its energy on its own production. “Third party” means that a company is outsourcing, or hiring an outside entity to perform a business function. The “logistics” involved refer to everything that happens from the time goods are manufactured until they arrive at their final marketing destination. The final component, “provider” means just one thing, and that's Rolly's.
A leader in Winnipeg warehousing, Rolly's knows what it takes to provide great third party logistics. Rolly's warehouses are insured, clean and heated, and modern bar coding assures easy retrieval from storage. Cross docking means that goods that don't need to be stored can be transferred from one commercial carrier to another without skipping a beat. Businesses save time and money when they outsource their logistics, and more companies are realizing this every day.
Winnipeg third party warehousing is a natural choice, given the city's perfect location for transportation, smack in the middle of the North American continent. Highways and rail lines extend to both coasts, and south lies the United States, ultimate destination for many goods.